Step 1: Obtain a UNFI price file. The zip file I got had three files in it, only
one has pricing info and that's the one we need. Open it up in Excel
and save it as filename unfi.csv, format CSV (Windows).
Step 2: That file is probably too big. Right click on it and select
Create archive to make a zip file.
Step 3: Go to the upload page, click Browse, and select
the zip file you just made (if done as above, it should be named Click Upload File and wait. It can take a while
for a big price file.
Step 4: If everything goes correctly, you'll get output something like this
(it doesn't matter if there are more or less UNFISPLIT files). If you get
anything drastically different, tell Andy.
Step 5 (optional): track down a dedicated professional to help
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Vendor Pricing Documentation