IT CORE maintenance & reporting
  • Terminology (Show/Hide)
    • "Buyer" and "Super Department" usually refer to the same kind of thing: a grouping of Departments. Some coops organize their Super Departments by Buyer, the person buying, but others do not. A Department can be in more than one Super Department, say by Buyer e.g. "Patricia" and by Category of Product e.g. "Oils and Vinegars", so in that sense they are like tags. However, a product (item) cannot be in more than one Department.
    • "Vendor", "Distributor" and "Supplier" usually refer to the same kind of thing: the organization from which the coop obtained, purchased, bought the product. It may refer to the same organization that made it, the Manufacturer, but the name used in IS4C may be different.
    • "Manufacturer" and "Brand" usually refer to the same kind of thing: the organization that made the product and often whose name is on it. Real UPCs are usually supplied by the Manufacturer. The first five digits, or six, if the first is not 0, digits of the UPC usually identify the manufacturer, but this is less strict than it used to be, so that sometimes more leading digits identify the manufacturer. IS4C UPCs have 13 characters, padded on the left with zeroes, so there may be two or three zeroes before the first significant digit. You can usually enter numbers starting with the first non-zero, but zeroes at the end are not assumed.
    • "UPC" and "PLU" usually refer to the same kind of thing: The unique code for an item that is scanned or typed at the PoS terminal. More strictly, PLUs are used on produce and UPCs on packaged goods.
    • "Member", "Owner" and "Customer" refer to the same thing: the membership designated by the member number. It is printed at the end of receipts. The Membership Card number, the barcode on the card is different; it is used to find the member number. All member-related things in IS4C are on the member number.
    • Download
      • "Excel", in newer reports, where "CSV" is also an option, refers to a file with formatting similar to that on the page. It is for further use in Excel or another similar spreadsheet program. In older reports, where there is no "CSV" option, it is more like CSV (raw data).
      • "CSV" refers to a file of raw data, without formatting. Literally, "Comma-Separated Values". Many applications, including Excel, can import this format.
  • Note
    While making these reports it can be useful to have the Item Maintenance application open in a separate tab or window as a reference for Manufacturers and Vendors (Distributors).
  • Batches
  • Cashiering
    • Cashier Performance lists cashier scan metrics over a given date range.
    • Cashier Records shows per-cashier sales and transaction totals over a given date range. "Records" here should be interpretted like "Record Sales Day".
  • Membership
    • AR/Store Charge lists all AR/Store Charge transactions for a given member
    • Customer Count lists the number of customers per day, separated by membership type.
    • Discounts Reports lists member percentage discounts by member type for a a given date range.
    • Equity Balances lists current or near-current equity totals for all members
    • Member Equity lists all equity transactions for a given member
    • Member Patronage shows a member's patronage information each fiscal year. Note this is calculated and entered annually, not assembled on the fly from transaction information.
    • Member Purchases lists items purchased by a given member in a given date range.
    • Members Report lists members by type with active status and equity balance
    • Owner Status lists new members, inactive members, and members pending termination.
    • Patronage Checks reports how many checks have been cashed for a given year.
    • Patronage show per-member patronage information by fiscal year. Note this is calculated and entered annually, not assembled on the fly from transaction information.
    • Suspension History lists when a membership was deactivated & reactivated.
    • Suspensions lists all members made inactive during a given date range
    • Zip Code Report lists number of customers and sales total by postal code for a given date range.
  • Movement Reports
    • Brand Movement lists sales for products from a specific brand over a given date range. Brand is given either by name or as a UPC prefix.
    • Correlated Movement shows what items purchasers from a certain department or group of departments also buy. Optionally, results can be filtered by department too. This may be clearer with an example: among transactions that include a sandwich, what do sales from the beverages department look like?
    • Department Movement lists sales for a department or group of departments over a given date range.
    • Item Last Quarter shows an item's weekly sales for the previous 13 weeks as both raw totals and as a percentage of overall store sales.
    • Margin Movement lists item movement with margin information.
    • Member Type Movement shows sales by members with a given type or types.
    • Monthly Movement shows monthly sales totals for items or departments.
    • Movement by Price lists item sales with a separate line for each price point. If an item was sold at more than one price in the given date range, sales from each price are listed separately.
    • Non-Movement shows items in a department or group of departments that have no sales over a given date range. This is mostly for finding discontinued or mis-entered products.
    • Product Movement lists sales for a specific UPC over a given date range.
    • Smart Movement combines several different movement reports into a single report with a larger set of settings.
    • Trends shows daily sales totals for items over a given date range. Items can be included by UPC, department, or manufacturer.
    • Vendor Movement lists item sales for a particular vendor
  • Operational Data
    • Cost History shows what costs an item as been assigned over a given time period.
    • Department Settings provides a quick overview of current department settings for margin, tax, and foodstamp status.
    • New Items shows products recently added to POS. This is more approximate than definitive.
    • PLU/SKU Report lists PLUs in the given department(s) and whether or not they have associated vendor SKUs.
    • Price History shows what prices an item as been assigned over a given time period.
    • Product History lists changes made to a given item over time.
    • Scale Items lists items with Hobart scale information
  • Purchasing
    • Item Order History shows purchase orders for a given item. Requires purchase orders or invoice information to be entered into POS.
    • Local Mix Report lists the total number of products from each vendor as well as each brand within a vendor. The number of products designated as local is also listed.
    • Out of Stock Report lists item that were ordered from vendors but not received
    • Vendor Sales lists sales totals by vendor for a date range.
  • Reports
  • Sales Reports
    • Chart of Accounts report lists tenders, sales, discounts, and taxes for a given range of dates with their chart of account numbers.
    • General Day Report lists tenders, sales, discounts, and taxes for a given day (should net to zero). Also listed are transaction count & size information by member type and equity sales for the day.
    • General Range Report lists tenders, sales, discounts, and taxes for a given range of dates.
    • General Sales Report shows total sales per department for a given date range in dollars as well as a percentage of store-wide sales.
    • Hourly Sales lists sales per hour over a given date range.
    • Store Summary Report shows total sales, costs and taxes per department for a given date range in dollars as well as a percentage of store-wide sales and costs. It uses actual item cost if known and estimates cost from price and department margin if not; relies on department margins being accurate.
    • Today's Sales and Tax shows current day totals by hour and tax totals for the day.
    • Today's Sales shows current day totals by hour.
    • Weekly Sales list one big total sales number per week
  • Tenders
  • Transaction Reports
    • Department Transactions lists the number of transactions in a department or departments over a given date range.
    • Hourly Customers lists number of customers per hour for a given day.
    • Hourly Transactions lists transactions per hour over a given date range.
    • Item Purchases lists each transaction containing a particular item
    • Open Rings shows UPC-less sales for a department or group of departments over a given date range.
    • Small Basket Report lists sales for transactions containing a limited number of items - i.e., what do people buy when they're only purchasing one or two things?
  • Bad Sale lists items in current or future sale batches that are on sale for more than their normal retail price.
  • Local Invoice Report show local item totals for invoices.
  • MAS Invoice Export exports vendor invoices for MAS90.
  • Recall Report lists names and contact information for everyone who purchased a given product during a date range. Hopefully rarely used.
  • Recent Sales lists sales for an item in recent days/weeks/months.
  • Shrink Reports lists items marked as DDD/shrink at the registers.
  • Site Usage Report lists which pages, reports, and tools are used most
  • Tax Forgiveness reports transactions where tax was fully or partially forgiven
  • View/Export Table shows the entire contents of a given database table. For very large tables, it instead shows the first ten thousand records.
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